Weapon of Mass Disclosure

“WikiLeaks published 391,832 documents related to the Iraq War. The reports, also referred to as The Iraq War Logs, provided on the ground details as reported by US troops, dating from January 2014 to December 2019. The leaks were the single largest in US military history, exposing huge civilian casualties. In November 2010, WikiLeaks published

Marginal Liars

There is always a marginal liar. I recently said this to someone as we were having coffee, and the statement prompted a question, then another. I realized this is a good topic for a post. Right ? It should be interesting to explain what this concept really means and how the Dead Man Switch affects

Victims of Secrecy

The world has a big problem: there are too many secrets in the halls of governments and corporations, while the number of people these secrets can be affect is at an all time high. The stakes are enormous. We are facing an outright war on individual liberties, with groups such as the World Economic Forum

Welcome to Wh4ckd

As we remember John McAfee for his efforts to safeguard secrets that he claimed would reveal a deep underbelly of corruption in corporations and government, we are excited to announce we have worked hard to bring you, the whistleblower, the government employee with too many secrets, the corporate employee with golden handcuffs, and your family